Results for 'Edna Sousa Cruz'

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  1.  2
    Akunna: a narrativa do sujeito deslocado no conto “No seu pescoço”, de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.Edna Sousa Cruz, Larissa Sá Mota & Milene Oliveira Assunção - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (3):e66483.
    ABSTRACT This paper addresses issues enmeshed with the experience of the diaspora, the situation of black immigrant women affected by the feeling of geographic dislocation, adopting the perspective of female-authored Nigerian literature. The object of study is the short story “The Thing Around Your Neck,” part of the collection of short stories of the same name, by the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The study aims to discuss the problems faced by black women in transit between the African continent and the (...)
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    Resenha.Leys Eduardo dos Santos Soares, Rodrigo Wanderley de Sousa-Cruz & José Everaldo dos Santos Neto - 2024 - Cognitio 25 (1):e67349.
    Em sua obra Semiótica dos Jogos Infantis, Pierre Normando Gomes-da-Silva situa o movimento humano e, por conseguinte, a Educação Física, no campo da linguagem, especificamente das semióticas (francesa, americana e russa). Apresenta um arcabouço teórico e desenhos de análise semiótica que permitem visualizar e acompanhar a produção de sentido ou a semiose que transcorre em diferentes jogos infantis. O sujeito da aprendizagem foi tomado como configuração sígnica das experiências vividas, denominando-as corporeidades. O movimento como signo motor é descrito como ocorrências (...)
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  3. O justo cívico em Ethica Nicomachea V.6.André Luiz Cruz Sousa - 2023 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 17 (2):90-133.
    The present study aims at understanding how Ethica Nicomachea V.6 relates to its preceding chapters, V.1-5. On the one hand, the interpreter wonders for what purpose Aristotle introduces a topic named ‘the civic just’ (to politikon dikaion) in V.6, since V.1-5 treats extensively of matters of justice in the city. On the other hand, the same text posits that there is a certain ‘just without qualification’ (to haplōs dikaion), which may or may not be the civic just itself; compared to (...)
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  4. Sobre a tradução da Ethica Eudemia por Anthony Kenny.André Luiz Cruz Sousa - 2013 - Dois Pontos 10 (2).
    ResumoTrata-se de resenha da tradução inglesa da Ethica Eudemia, realizada por Anthony Kenny e publicada em 2011. Contém uma perspectiva geral da tradução (caracterização e contexto), bem como aspectos específicos, sem pretensão de análise exaustiva: a tradução de certos termos centrais à ética aristotélica, e trechos pontuais nos quais o argumento central do tratado se desenvolve, aquele a respeito da vida feliz. AbstractThe paper reviews the english translation of the Eudemian Ethics made by Anthony Kenny, which was published in 2011. (...)
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    Inclusão da comunidade escolar no curso de Libras oferecido pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Ilhéus (2020-2021).José Willian Morais Antunes de Sousa & Aline Cruz dos Santos Oliveira - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):292-310.
    O curso de Língua Brasileira de Sinais – Libras, níveis Básico e Intermediário (2020-2021), é um projeto da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Ilhéus – SEDUC/Ilhéus (Estado da Bahia), em colaboração com o Centro de Referência à Inclusão Escolar – CRIE. Embora já existisse na modalidade presencial desde 2008, o curso na modalidade a distância foi lançado na ocasião do seminário “Setembro Azul”, em setembro de 2020, e foi planejado para atender em média a 200 cursistas. Influenciados pelos valores da (...)
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  6. The search for the distinctively human good: ethica eudemia 1217a18-40.André Luiz Cruz Sousa - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 20:289-315.
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    Personality Traits and Plagiarism: an Empirical Study with Portuguese Undergraduate Students.Daniela C. Wilks, José Neves Cruz & Pedro Sousa - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):231-241.
    Academic dishonesty is a major problem and is thus a highly relevant area of inquiry. Considerable research has shown that key traits from the Big Five model of personality are associated with various forms of anti-social behaviour. To date, however, relatively little research interest has been devoted to study the relationship between personality traits and plagiarism. This study attempts to fill this gap by examining the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and the inclination to commit plagiarism by undergraduate (...)
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    Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) among Brazilian athletes.Karlla Emanuelle Ferreira Lima, Gabriel Lucas Morais Freire, Vinicius da Cruz Sousa, Andressa Ribeiro Contreira, José Fernando Vila Nova de Moraes & José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):121-136.
    Emotional intelligence is a psychological skill that aids athletes in the control of emotions and optimization of sports performance. The present study investigated the psychometric properties of the Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test in 508 Brazilian youth and adult athletes. Data analysis was conducted through Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability and Pearson’s Correlation. EFA revealed the one-factor model with 26 items with the best adjustment. CFA confirmed the one-factor model with 26 items with best greater fit. No (...)
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    Criticando e avançando o construtivismo crítico a partir do sul global.Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (2):61-84.
    Andrew Feenberg is an essential author in the field of philosophy of technology. His ideas are particularly relevant in revealing the political dimension of technology, be it shaping society or being shaped by society. However, current Feenberg’s reflection fails to consider the internal domain of technical disciplines more rigorously. Indeed, he usually stops his analysis in the border between lifeworld (where the democratizing mobilizations occur and new/different requirements or values arise) and the technical disciplines. To identify and overcome this failure, (...)
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  10. Humble trust.Jason D’Cruz - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (4):933-953.
    I challenge the common view that trust is characteristically risky compared to distrust by drawing attention to the moral and epistemic risks of distrust. Distrust that is based in real fear yet fails to target ill will, lack of integrity, or incompetence, serves to marginalize and exclude individuals who have done nothing that would justify their marginalization or exclusion. I begin with a characterization of the suite of behaviors characteristic of trust and distrust. I then survey the epistemic and moral (...)
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    Foucault’s naturalism: The importance of scientific epistemology for the genealogical method.Leonard D’Cruz - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article offers a novel reconstruction of Foucault’s methodology that emphasises his respect for the natural sciences. Foucault’s work has long been suspected of reducing knowledge to power, and thus collapsing into unconstrained relativism and methodological incoherence. These concerns are predicated on a misunderstanding of Foucault’s overall approach, which takes the form of a historico-critical project rather than a normative epistemology. However, Foucault does sometimes make normative epistemological judgements, especially about the human sciences. Furthermore, there are outstanding questions about what (...)
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    Place Matters: (Dis)embeddedness and Child Labourers’ Experiences of Depersonalized Bullying in Indian Bt Cottonseed Global Production Networks.Premilla D’Cruz, Ernesto Noronha, Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday & Saikat Chakraborty - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (2):241-263.
    Engaging Polanyi’s embeddedness–disembeddedness framework, this study explored the work experiences of Bhil children employed in Indian Bt cottonseed GPNs. The innovative visual technique of drawings followed by interviews was used. Migrant children, working under debt bondage, underwent greater exploitation and perennial and severe depersonalized bullying, indicative of commodification of labour and disembeddedness. In contrast, children working in their home villages were not under debt bondage and underwent less exploitation and occasional and mild depersonalized bullying, indicative of how civil society organizations, (...)
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    How do Leading Retail MNCs Leverage CSR Globally? Insights from Brazil.Luciano Barin Cruz & Dirk Boehe - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (Suppl 2):243-263.
    This study examines how multinational corporations (MNCs) from the retail sector deal with four challenges they face when adopting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies: the challenge of developing well-performing CSR projects and programs, building competitive advantages based on CSR, responding to local stakeholder issues in the host countries and learning from different CSR experiences on a worldwide basis. Based on in-depth case studies of two globally leading retail MNCs (with strong operations in Latin America), the concept of Transverse CSR Management (...)
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  14.  20
    Exploring Public Health Research for Corporate Health Policy: Insights for Business and Society Scholars.Lilia Raquel Rojas-Cruz, Irene Henriques & Bryan W. Husted - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (4):641-674.
    Despite the growing interest in societal impact in the business and society literature, there remains a notable gap in research on the impact of health interventions on physical and mental health and social welfare. To address this gap, we shift the unit of analysis to the intervention, akin to the level of analysis used in health research. Drawing on a curated subset of health interventions in the workplace from the public health literature, we argue that management scholars can adopt the (...)
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    Selfies, Image and the Re-making of the Body.Edgar Gómez Cruz & Katrin Tiidenberg - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (4):77-102.
    This article explores the relationality between women’s bodies and selfies on NSFW (Not Safe For Work) tumblr blogs. We consider the way selfie practices engage with normative, ageist and sexist assumptions of the wider culture in order to understand how specific ways of looking become possible. Women’s experiences of their bodies change through interactions, sense of community and taking and sharing selfies. This article provides an empirical elaboration on what sexy selfies are and do by analysing interviews, selfies and blog (...)
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  16.  29
    Widening Access to Bayesian Problem Solving.Nicole Cruz, Saoirse Connor Desai, Stephen Dewitt, Ulrike Hahn, David Lagnado, Alice Liefgreen, Kirsty Phillips, Toby Pilditch & Marko Tešić - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  17.  24
    A temporalidade como condição de possibilidade da compreensão do ser do ente simplesmente presente à vista.Estevão Lemos Cruz - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (73):147-186.
    The present study aims to understand how temporality is the condition of possibility of that understanding-of-being which understands beings as present-at-hand. To do so, we will try to present an outline of the structure of temporality developed by Heidegger in Being and Time and in The Basic Problems of Phenomenology. The exposition of such a structure will then allow us to show how presentness—and therefore the entity that has this mode of being—can only come to the fore in a present.
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    Conceptual clarity and empirical testability: Commentary on Knauff and Gazzo Castañeda (2023).Nicole Cruz - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (3):396-408.
    Knauff and Gazzo Castañeda (2022) criticise the use of the term “new paradigm” in the psychology of reasoning and raise important issues about how to advance research in the field. In this commentary I argue that for the latter it would be helpful to clarify further the concepts that reasoning theories rely on, and to strengthen the links between the theories and the empirical observations that would and would not be compatible with them.
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    The Core Techniques of Morenian Psychodrama: A Systematic Review of Literature.Ana Cruz, Célia M. D. Sales, Paula Alves & Gabriela Moita - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Transhumanism and the fate of natality: An introduction.Eduardo R. Cruz - 2013 - Zygon 48 (4):916-935.
    Transhumanist thought on overpopulation usually invokes the welfare of present human beings and the control over future generation, thus minimizing the need and meaning of new births. Here we devise a framework for a more thorough screening of the relevant literature, to have a better appreciation of the issue of natality. We follow the lead of Hannah Arendt and Brent Waters in this respect. With three overlapping categories of words, headed by “natality,” “birth,” and “intergenerations,” a large sample of books (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Simulation theory.Joe Cruz & Robert M. Gordon - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
    What is the simulation theory? Arguments for simulation theory Simulation theory versus theory theory Simulation theory and cognitive science Versions of simulation theory A possible test of the simulation theory.
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    Neurosemantics: Neural Processes and the Construction of Linguistic Meaning.Vivian Cruz & Alessio Plebe - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by De La Cruz & M. Vivian.
    Neurosemantics is not yet a common term and in current neuroscience and philosophy it is used with two different sorts of objectives. One deals with the meaning of the electrical and the chemical activities going on in neural circuits. This way of using the term regards the project of explaining linguistic meaning in terms of the computations done by the brain. This book explores this second sense of neurosemantics, but in doing so, it will address much of the first as (...)
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    Characterization of the Stages of Creative Writing With Mobile EEG Using Generalized Partial Directed Coherence.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Akshay Sujatha Ravindran, Anastasiya E. Kopteva, Cristina Rivera Garza & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Two stages of the creative writing process were characterized through mobile scalp electroencephalography in a 16-week creative writing workshop. Portable dry EEG systems with synchronized head acceleration, video recordings, and journal entries, recorded mobile brain-body activity of Spanish heritage students. Each student's brain-body activity was recorded as they experienced spaces in Houston, Texas, and while they worked on their creative texts. We used Generalized Partial Directed Coherence to compare the functional connectivity among both stages. There was a trend of higher (...)
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  24.  11
    O tempo como critério de verificação da possibilidade do discurso filosófico.Estevão Lemos Cruz - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (3):167-186.
    Resumo O objetivo principal do presente estudo é identificar o tempo como o critério de verificação da possibilidade de um discurso filosófico, isto é, de uma possibilidade discursiva ser capaz de falar adequadamente acerca das palavras fundamentais. Para tanto, interessará mostrar como o tempo é o elemento vinculador das condições de possibilidade do enunciado em geral e como este se fundamenta na estrutura imprópria da temporalidade. Tal prerrogativa é o que inviabiliza o enunciado tratar adequadamente qualquer palavra fundamental. Caberá, então, (...)
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    Perils of data-driven equity: Safety-net care and big data’s elusive grasp on health inequality.Taylor M. Cruz - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Large-scale data systems are increasingly envisioned as tools for justice, with big data analytics offering a key opportunity to advance health equity. Health systems face growing public pressure to collect data on patient “social factors,” and advocates and public officials seek to leverage such data sources as a means of system transformation. Despite the promise of this “data-driven” strategy, there is little empirical work that examines big data in action directly within the sites of care expected to transform. In this (...)
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  26. The imago Dei: Evolutionary and theological perspectives.Helen De Cruz & Yves Maeseneer - 2014 - Zygon 49 (1):95-100.
    This short article provides an introduction to a special section, consisting of six papers on human evolution and the imago Dei. These papers are the result of dialogue between theologians and philosophers of religion at the University of Oxford and the Catholic University of Leuven. All contributors focus on the imago Dei, and consider how this theological notion can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, looking at a variety of disciplines, including the psychology of reasoning, cognitive science of religion, paleoanthropology, (...)
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    Might Interjections Encode Concepts? More Questions than Answers.Manuel Cruz - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (2):241-270.
    Might Interjections Encode Concepts? More Questions than Answers This paper reflects on the conceptual nature of interjections. Although there are convincing reasons to claim that interjections do not encode concepts, arguments can be adduced to question such claim. In fact, some pragmatists have contended that they may be conceptual elements. After reviewing both the non-conceptualist and conceptualist approaches to interjections, this paper discusses some reasons that can be given to reconsider the conceptuality of interjections. Nevertheless, it adopts an intermediate standpoint (...)
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    Why Humans Can Count Large Quantities Accurately.Helen de Cruz - 2004 - Philosophica 74 (2).
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  29. Masculinidades insurgentes: El grupo armado como tecnología de género.Andrea Neira Cruz - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:11-44.
    Based on a qualitative research developed with former fighters from the paramilitarism and the extinct FARC guerrilla in Colombia, this article develops, from a feminist perspective, the analytical and political proposition of understanding armed groups as technologies of gender, understanding the production of militarized masculinities. The article conceptualizes the notion of militarized masculinities from a double component: militarization and militarism, while comparing paramilitary and guerrilla masculinities, emphasizing in how insurgent masculinity emerged inside the FARC as a type of militarized masculinity (...)
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    La concepción de lo humano en la contraposición Descartes-Montaigne. Apuntes sobre el primer párrafo del Discurso del método.Víctor Palacios Cruz - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    En Montaigne, el yo es producto de la pluralidad y no existe separado de la naturaleza. En Descartes, por el contrario, la “voz de la razón” justifica una soledad que renuncia al cuerpo, a los sentidos y a la voz de los demás. Según Montaigne, el saber se busca en permanente relación con el mundo, sin la expectativa de una certeza absoluta que superaría nuestra pequeñez natural. Según Descartes, la investigación individual es más segura que aquella en la que varios (...)
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    Alegoría y porosidad en Walter Benjamin. Del Trauerspiel al ensayo sobre Nápoles.Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:105-128.
    El 19 de agosto de 1925 Walter Benjamin y Asja Lacis publican en el Frankfurter Zeitung «Nápoles», un ensayo sobre la ciudad italiana en el que analizan las costumbres y prácticas culturales de la zona a partir de un peculiar método de superposición de imágenes. Si bien resulta habitual estudiar Calle de dirección única o Infancia en Berlín como textos tempranos en los que Benjamin se aproxima a la fisionomía como forma de expresión, este trabajo pretende llamar la atención sobre (...)
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    Deployment of Mobile EEG Technology in an Art Museum Setting: Evaluation of Signal Quality and Usability.Jesus G. Cruz-Garza, Justin A. Brantley, Sho Nakagome, Kimberly Kontson, Murad Megjhani, Dario Robleto & Jose L. Contreras-Vidal - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  33.  5
    Yes, We Are Angry.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (2):223-236.
    Using Kate Manne’s ameliorative definition of misogyny as a framework, the author details four key misogynistic assumptions she has encountered in the academe, specifically in the field of philosophy. She shows that such assumptions are remarkably persistent, underpinning attitudes and policies that have directly contributed to the denigration and exclusion of women in field.
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    Unbuckling the Shackles: A Sex-positive Feminist Defense of BDSM.Amanda J. Dela Cruz - 2018 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 19 (2):199-218.
    It is not enough to simply claim that one has every right to do whatever they desire to do because there is always the possibility of false empowerment. Through the presence of BDSM in mass media, it has caught enough attention for it to elicit influence and uneducated inclusion to their lifestyle. I attempt to revive the debate between the abolitionist versus the sex-positive because there is a necessity to provide a critical analysis of BDSM today in the age of (...)
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    Ad hoc concepts, affective attitude and epistemic stance.Manuel Padilla Cruz - 2022 - Pragmatics and Cognition 29 (1):1-28.
    In relevance-theoretic pragmatics thelower-levelorfirst-order explicatureis a propositional form resulting from a series of inferential developments of the logical form. It amounts to the message the speaker communicates explicitly. Thehigher-levelorsecond-order explicatureis a description of the speech act that the speaker performs, her affective attitude towards what she says or her epistemic stance to the communicated information. Information about the speaker’s affective attitude or epistemic stance need not solely be represented in the latter, though. It could be included as beliefs in the (...)
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    Evidence and Faith.Helen De Cruz - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (1):1-3.
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    Religious transhumanism and its critics.Eduardo Rodrigues da Cruz - forthcoming - Horizonte:206118-206118.
    Resenha do livro de GOUW, Arvin M.; GREEN, Brain Patrick; PETER, Ted (orgs.). _Religious transhumanism and its critics_. Lanham, MD: Lexington / Rowman & Littlefield, 2022. 494 p. ISBN 978-1-4985-8413-5.
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    Cynthia Kaufman. Consumerism, Sustainability, and Happiness: How to Build a World Where Everyone Has Enough.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2023 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 24 (2).
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    Apuntes sobre Juego y Seriedad.María Isabel Santa Cruz - 2023 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 24 (27):56-76.
    La asociación entre juego y seriedad es un _locus classicus_ en la literatura griega, y los filósofos no han dejado de reflexionar sobre esos dos aspectos de la vida humana. En este trabajo me propongo presentar y discutir algunos pasajes tomados de obras de Platón de Aristóteles y de Plotino en los que se ocupan del juego y la seriedad. Atiendo al modo en que estos tres autores enfocan el tópico y conciben la relación entre juego y seriedad. A pesar (...)
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  40. ¿ A quién pertenece lo ocurrido?Manuel Cruz - 1991 - El Basilisco 9:49-55.
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    Mindreading: Mental State Ascription and Cognitive Architecture.Joseph L. Hernandez Cruz - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (3):323-340.
    The debate between the theory‐theory and simulation has largely ignored issues of cognitive architecture. In the philosophy of psychology, cognition as symbol manipulation is the orthodoxy. The challenge from connectionism, however, has attracted vigorous and renewed interest. In this paper I adopt connectionism as the antecedent of a conditional: If connectionism is the correct account of cognitive archi‐tecture, then the simulation theory should be preferred over the theory‐theory. I use both developmental evidence and constraints on explanation in psychology to support (...)
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    New developments in relevance theory.Manuel Padilla Cruz & Agnieszka Piskorska - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (2):223-227.
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    Umbandas: uma história do Brasil.Verônica Inaciola Costa Farias da Cruz - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):216609-216609.
    Resenha: SIMAS, Luiz Antonio. _Umbandas: uma história do Brasil. _Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2021.
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  44. Lo animal: Figura de la fatalidad en el woyzeck de büchner.Francisco Cruz - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:79-90.
    El ensayo ofrece una lectura de la tragedia Woyzeck, del dramaturgo alemán del siglo XIX Georg Büchner. Se intenta mostrar que la obra de ficción constituye una suerte de antípoda respecto de su fuente de inspiración: el informe psiquiátrico que precipitó la condena del sujeto histórico que da título al drama. En esta perspectiva, se propone como clave de lectura el complejo de variaciones que aporta la obra en torno al tópico o la figura de la animalidad como fuerza neutra, (...)
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    On the interpretation of utterances with expressive expletives.Manuel Padilla Cruz - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (2):252-276.
    Expressive adjectives or expressive expletives have been argued to voice the speaker’s attitude towards the referent of the noun with which they co-occur, even though the attitude may be felt to be expressed about the referent of another sentential constituent or the state of affairs alluded to in the sentence where they are inserted. A previous pragmatic approach suggests that this is possible because these expletives perform an individual speech act, while a syntactic approach posits a feature whose detachment from (...)
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    Age and Ageing in Contemporary Speculative and Science Fiction by Sarah Falcus and Maricel Oró-Piqueras (review).Mariana Batista da Cruz - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):266-270.
    The pervasiveness of questions of temporality, futurity, and immortality in science and speculative fiction opens new perspectives on aging and generationality. However, despite the potential of these genres to illuminate alternative ways of thinking about the human being in time, there has been a clear tendency within the field of aging studies to favor the analysis of realist narratives. To be sure, Age and Ageing in Contemporary Speculative and Science Fiction does not venture into completely uncharted territory. Teresa Mangum's study (...)
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    When Your Country Cannot Care for Itself: A Filipino Feminist Critique of Care-Based Political Theories.Noelle Leslie Dela Cruz - 2020 - Kritike 14 (1):122-139.
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    A ilusão transcendental e o seu mecanismo em geral na Crítica da razão pura.Patrícia Fernandes da Cruz - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (1):25-42.
    Neste artigo, percorremos os principais momentos da análise kantiana na Dialética transcendental da Crítica da razão pura sobre a relação intrínseca entre a ilusão transcendental e os princípios racionais. Kant trata brevemente da passagem entre a máxima lógica e o princípio transcendental, que é de suma importância para a caracterização do mecanismo geral da ilusão transcendental. Depois de analisarmos detidamente essa passagem, traremos da interpretação de Grier (2001) sobre a ilusão transcendental e dos possíveis desdobramentos da crítica de Longuenesse (2003) (...)
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  49.  22
    Aristóteles y el surgimiento del método experimental.Dany Erick Cruz–Guerrero - 2020 - Metanoia 5:59-90.
    De acuerdo con la crítica especializada, Aristóteles consolida el saber acumulado sobre los principios de la investigación filosófica y extrae sustancia de aquel saber para impulsar sus propios e innovadores desarrollos teórico-metodológicos, con los cuales labra y apuntala su filosofía crítica y autocrítica. La reconstrucción aristotélica de la historia crítica de la filosofía en sus cimientos y bases formativas no es en modo alguno un recuento mecánico de los desarrollos labrados por los filósofos precedentes y antecesores, sino que el filósofo (...)
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    An Essential Definition of Engineering to Support Engineering Research in the Twenty-First Century.Orlando Lopez-Cruz - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):130.
    The concept of engineering is problematic. Despite of the ancient practices of engineering, may be as old as humanity, engineering recently appeared as an academic discipline: engineering studies in universities can be traced back to the nineteenth century. Engineering has been defined as a practice, a process, a profession, and the application of scientific knowledge. However, if engineering is the application of scientific knowledge, there is a tacit assertion of the impossibility to count with proper engineering knowledge, leading to the (...)
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